Wednesday, January 24, 2007

This gay persecution equating to slavery is B.S

 Why do people compare Gays to African Americans?? It isn't the same!!!!!

Firstly you can be black and gay!! Gay is an addendum to an ethnity. White ghay , black gay , italian gay.  Race> gay.   When 2 black men walk into a room, EVERYBODY knows that they are black. Not everyone knows that one might be gay. I have no response or excuse for the flamboyantly gay men. Those fags are weird.

I say fag in the nicest possible way cuz what else do you call that dude in "I love New York" show. He is beyond gay..

Until the gay community can recall generations of forced slavery, oppression, rape and destruction of family like the African American community have suffered in this country, there isn't a true comparison.

Notice that they don't compare themselves to the Jews. Of course NO ONE suffered like they did in the Holocaust.

If Michael Richards and Mel Gibson aren't out of jobs right now the Isaiah Washington should keep acting in the best show in TV right now.

A black gay man faces discrimination for 2 fronts. Only one of them can he truly hide from. Screw the choice vs nature gay argument. At least a gay person can CHOOSE to disclose his sexuality.


Don said...

Homosexuality, is in itself, a natural may argue it is learned while most scientists beleive it's natural because of the presence of certain animals that practice homosexual behavior.

You may debate it, one may be true, but one thing is certain and should be respected...let them be.

Homophobia, in the modern day, is as cool as racism was 30-40 years ago where one governor spoke out against desegregation as a means to get into office as the governor of the State of Alabama, Georgia, Missisipi and some other southern states.

That's also what you see in modern day America, politicians against gay marriage and such just to get the vote of the masses.

See, the pieces have changed, but the game still remains the same.

As human beings, we are prone to hate another person purely based on his sexuality, race, tribes(I know some Ibos who don't allow their children marry within their tribe at all, talk less of other cultral groups).

The game of hate would continue as the world continues to revolve...who we choose to hate however, will always change with time.


Funmilayo said...

I get tired of it too. You're right Homosexuality =/ Race. amd anyone that tries to compare it is nuts, and doesn't fully appreciate what black. African-American people have gone through, and continue to go through. YOu are black from morning to night, and everyone can see it. Until Gay people start wearing signs on themselves that say "GAY Guy/Girl" here, then those folks who compare it, should get right off of the horse that they are on!

Unknown said...

In addition to Funmi's comments, let's remember how black people were treated in the US for hundreds of years. As Chris Rock points out, the racism of the 60s was just white people being NICE.

neo said...

@ Don: I don't see how this post is holding gays back though in any way shape or form.

I think dasugo's angst is shared by others as well as myself. The plight of racism against blacks is not even in the same stratosphere with being gay. I just can't see it. What with the persecution, lynching, segregation...even the offshoots in colonialism and other isms we still face not just in American society but in western nations and even in Africa.

Equating homosexuality or its plight to that of being black is rather erroneous...and it really cannot be compared to being black during slavery, post-slavery or now. The mental, social, financial and even spiritual effects of racism far outweigh that of being gay.

ke5icx said...

It's obvious you do not know what happens to gay people. Your comparison is a false argument. You claim "the same" persecution, but offer no evidence that people make that comparison. The comparison is of prejudice. Which CAN be compared.

Gay people hide their sexuality in their jobs, from their families, and from others for fear of retribution.

That's the difference my friend. And thinking you can "hide" it - well - just try and live a "lie" and fake people out for years - that's almost impossible.

Your argument is ridiculous and very much OFF the mark.

Spiritual Ninja said...

Please.. spare me the melodrama. at least u can lie.