Read this article concerning a 39 woman complaining about she hasn't found the one for her yet. She is educated, speaks mulitples lanuguages, nice personality and all that jazz. Has house andnice car yet no man. She laments that other lesser women seem to find the good men and get married while she can't seem to get past the 2nd date.
She hasn't had a single long term relationship in her life and wonders why men don't approach her for anything other than sex…. Here is the link in case u wanna read more.
I'm a babe, a total catch -- so why am I alone at 39?
One of the comments was very telling.. I will quote it..
"I meet women who have a perfect life all the time. They have a house, a great career, a tribe, pets and know what they want to do on vacation. One of my first thoughts is "How would I fit in here?" Sometimes I do not see how I would. That will keep me from pursuing. One the other hand if I meet a woman who does not have her life all pieced together, is still working on it, and there seems to be a way we can come together and make a life, I am much more interested. The last thing I want to do is to move into somebody's finished house and become another accessory." --gttim
I really like what he wrote. I think it hits the nail on the head onw aht might be causing this woman distress.
Another comment reminded her to date interacially which I heartily agree. I don't see why black women feel that white/lation men are any less a viable mate. Such misplaced loyalty is stupid IMHO.
What do u think?
[Sigh] So many problems could be solved if they would just legalize polygamy...
AHAHAHAHAHA.....if only my friend.. if only..
I dunno but sometimes I often wonder when women consider others less prettier than they are. Beauty is pretty relative and part of me wanted to just say, "this comment is useless without any pics"
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