Wednesday, June 28, 2006

CNN movie reviews

it freaking annoys me how spoiler ridden their reviews are. I mean by the time u read all the info, u know the plot tiwsts e.t.c it spoils the movie for u. Another thing is that I can't remember the last awesome review they gave a movie. Now granted, movies quality has been in the toilet recently.

Exhibit A:

but i get the feeling that CNN only gives bad reviews to movies. Honestly, the more I write, I don't Mind the bad reviews. i just wish they would give spoiler free reviews. I would like a chance to find out for myself. All i know about Superman returns is that he returns and Lex luthor looks deliciously evil. (thank you Spacey)

Am going to see it on Thursday with my wife and sister. I hope it is fun!

Now back to Little MAn.. WHAT the F**K??!!!!if the bar wasn't dropped so low by Soul Plane, i would be bemoaning the efforts of African American men. This looks terrible from the get go. they must be operating on a tight budget to break even on this. video sales maybe??

BTW, who green lit Dr Doolittle 3???

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