Wednesday, February 28, 2007

America and The Iraqi war

I believe I am a witness to a part of history here. I wonder in years to come, whether people will point to this Administration as the start of the USA descent from the dizzying heights of a Super Power. I dunno but all I know is 700k Iraqis are dead. 3000 Soldiers dead. 100k soldiers injured. For wat???

 The removal of a dictator?? Bullshit. Tis for oil and oil alone. Terrorism hasnt decreased since the Iraqi war. Why get fake visas to come to Texas to kill dirty Americans when u can kill soldiers close to home? Not to mention kiiling someone in their country is a great way to recruit for suicide squads.

Billions of dollars wasted. Trillions proposed for use in this war. Trilions!!???  Why cant this country put 2 billion for education and healthcare??

I am concerned. I am scared. I dunno what or where this country will be in 10 yrs. I wonder if things will improve or just get worse.

I dont blame the  government. Not at all. I blamed them in the first tenure of the president but for voting Bush back into power again that is on u America.. ALL on you. this countrydeserves everything happening now cuz the people are too much like sheep to vote for a change.

I means seriously, I cant say that the prevention of gay marriage and pro life is worthwhile while 700k lives get lost. How many American deaths are worth an Iraqi one? For the ones that thot in their head Shouldnt that be the other way around? U are part of the problem.

America, it is on u. Everything thing he did, it is on you. He didnt finger his intern nor cheat on his wife. He just created a fucked up war that might have repercussions for generations.  GW Bush, the blood of 70 000 Iraqi people are  on ur hands. I hope u brought a lot of soap.

I for one welcome our future Chinese Overloads.

Monday, February 12, 2007

'Miracle' -- teen's heart, stopped for 4 days, beats again

Unbelievable!!! God left his calling card at the Hospital.

NEW YORK (AP) -- Daniel Walker was on his final lap jogging in his high school gym class when he collapsed, his flawed heart giving out on him.

More than four days later, his heart at a standstill, kept alive by a bypass machine, it began beating again. The 17-year-old's parents called it divine intervention. His physicians were no less amazed.

"I've been a surgeon for 10 years, and this is probably one of the most incredible things I've ever seen," said Dr. Abeel Mangi, one of Walker's cardiac surgeons at New York-Presbyterian Hospital Columbia.

Walker's father described his son's recovery in spiritual terms. "God turned around, put His hand on my son, and recharged him," said William Walker, 58, a retired sanitation worker.

His son's ordeal began January 19 when he collapsed in gym class. The younger Walker suffered from a rare congenital heart flaw that left his coronary artery pinched, giving him only 10 percent of normal heart capacity. He was shuttled to two hospitals before finding himself at Columbia, waiting for a heart transplant, attached to the bypass machine.

Walker's cardiac surgeons said they could not account for the young man's recovery.

"It's a miracle," Mangi said. "There's really no other way to put it."

Two days after it began to beat on its own, surgeons were able to fix the flaw in Walker's heart, increasing its capacity to 60 percent.

Free Nokia Maps Sw on Feb 10th.. Easter Hunt.. wat? it is not Easter?

The wtf then???

Being the gadget junkie I am, I saw this on the 8th of Feb and delighted in joy!! Free GPS sw for all?? This could be huge!!

So Saturday 10th, I forsook my wife and went to the computer, eagerly awaiting the release of this software!!! GPS goodness for all!! I am sooo there..

There is soo nothing. Just an nice website with no product to download. With the dreaded "ComingSoon" image on the screen. "Coming soon" in web speak is tantamount to " Whenever I am F**king ready"

So in an eager I can only characterizes as sick fascination, i went trolling on the net for additional news of this new software to see if I misread it. i didn't. there were lots of news websites trumpeting the same news I got. Somebody f**ked up. See for yourself.

Now I am a sick man so I keep searching this morning and I see this website. obviously, the date has changed to the 12th. No one told us. Now given that it is the 12th and free, shouldn't I be able to download the file by now?? I keep trying to click on the link but I get nothing people... Nothing..

These people must be cracking up watching us scurry for their free crap. I will sit here patiently though, hitting refresh. I will get Nokia maps and use to navigate to their Public relations office and carpet bomb it with old clunky Motorola phones and Razr shurikens.. the body count will be High..

Femi- Nokia sucks.. Pls replay my message.. I mean what the hell...???

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Fear is a cruel bitch

It freezes you. Giving u comfort in the mindless inactivity of not doing anything with your life. I sit in my job hoping for a $2 increase in my hourly wage so I can spend the increase on a new TV or trinket. I need to take my chances NOW. Later will be too late. Risk sometihng NOW for a chance at tommorrow.

I need to look for jobs and seek to increase my knowledge. I need to push for more. I can't stay here and hope to be recognize. I am wanted and desired right now

My time is Now.

Techies sites and racist views....

I have noticed a very disquieting things over the year I visit my tech sites. I usually hit up 3-5 tech news and gadgets sites to get my fix on the latest and craziest of the day. These sites are usually dynamic and change over the hour so one can come back and get a fresh dose of cool. One of them is A very popular site, One notable thing is that if an article gets posted on Slashdot, the web traffic it generates usually melts the server that contains the article. The effect is called Slashdotted. Another website is A new site that grew to popularity real quick.  Same effect on their top 10 articles.

Here is the problem. A lot of techies love evolution and hate those intelligent design hater mongers. They feel that folks that can't see that Science is better than faith are idiots and express it so. Religion is also another good one. Say something good about Christianity and watch the trolls come and spew "knowledge" about how Xtianity is responsible for the raping of lil babies in the 1800's cuz the Pope said so.  Religion dispute, I can handle. I don't try to change people's belief these days. I respect your opinion, I will tell u mine. I figure if I am right, I will be there to say " I was right". If I am wrong, there aren't any " I told u so" in Oblivion.

What I really dislike are supposedly intelligent people espousing inherently racist views and claiming not to be racist. Now, when we start talking about evolution, we  start mixing religion, science and race!!! SO I have snotty atheists coming out of the wood works to express racist views and acting surprised if someone tells them that they are bigots…

Today, someone quoted or misquoted Darwin saying "Blacks are under evolved ". Now I don't know about u but that ish is racist. And of course, folks came into o defend the statement. Personally I don't care what Darwin said. The notion of evolution explaining why we are who we are is B.S in my opinion but I don't like folks blindly trying to explain racist notions as scientific ones.

It is a free country but come on people.. When a store fires half their work force and all are black, there is something racist about that. No need to defend that. If a woman says, I don't find white or black men attractive. That is racist. Don’t  try to use ur intellect to make it sound different. U can't perfume shit enough.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Living check to check

This shit isn't right!!!! U watch the money get consumed in petty momentary desires that get sated and disappear out of our head. Singular emotions that drill holes in our cup til we have no more. Then the waiting begins for the next paycheck. The filling of our cups and the cycle begins again.

Yet, each time we forget that our cups are full of holes and soon we look in wondering and waiting for that next filling. I am tired of this shit.Living check to check is simply a recipe for disaster yet I KNOW I am not alone.

Gee, what comfort it gives me to be among the majority of the ignorant.