I believe I am a witness to a part of history here. I wonder in years to come, whether people will point to this Administration as the start of the USA descent from the dizzying heights of a Super Power. I dunno but all I know is 700k Iraqis are dead. 3000 Soldiers dead. 100k soldiers injured. For wat???
The removal of a dictator?? Bullshit. Tis for oil and oil alone. Terrorism hasn’t decreased since the Iraqi war. Why get fake visas to come to Texas to kill dirty Americans when u can kill soldiers close to home? Not to mention kiiling someone in their country is a great way to recruit for suicide squads.
Billions of dollars wasted. Trillions proposed for use in this war. Trilions!!??? Why can’t this country put 2 billion for education and healthcare??
I am concerned. I am scared. I dunno what or where this country will be in 10 yrs. I wonder if things will improve or just get worse.
I don’t blame the government. Not at all. I blamed them in the first tenure of the president but for voting Bush back into power again… that is on u America.. ALL on you. this countrydeserves everything happening now cuz the people are too much like sheep to vote for a change.
I means seriously, I can’t say that the prevention of gay marriage and pro life is worthwhile while 700k lives get lost. How many American deaths are worth an Iraqi one? For the ones that thot in their head” Shouldn’t that be the other way around?” U are part of the problem.
America, it is on u. Everything thing he did, it is on you. He didn’t finger his intern nor cheat on his wife. He just created a fucked up war that might have repercussions for generations. GW Bush, the blood of 70 000 Iraqi people are on ur hands. I hope u brought a lot of soap.
I for one welcome our future Chinese Overloads.