Monday, June 11, 2007

Paris who?

I bet Paris Hilton will come out of prison with street cred and have a nation wide tour on her upcoming rap album. I mean, she acts stupid, bares all in a sex tape, gets paid to go to parties and act ”Hot”. Gets paid to be in a show where she slums with normal people.

Drives drunk twice while with suspended license and probation. Doesn’t read what her publicists give her to sign. Hasn’t seen a camera, she doesn’t like.

Goes to jail and now she changed??? B.S. the only change is that she doesn’t have access to the high end smack she is using while in prison.

You know what though? She isn’t the problem. We are. Society is. The only way that someone like her could be THIS popular is cuz folks ARE talking about her. Somehow she elicits a strong opinion. I blame myself.

Instead of hating her so virulently, I should simply ignore her. Act like she doesn’t exist. We all should. If the news stops talking about her and filling the front page with her shenanigans, I am pretty sure she will literally fade away to nothing..


Don said...

Ignore her...exactly.

but that's hard to do...if the media doesn't.

Spiritual Ninja said...

the media will respond to the choice of the masses and the stupid masses say " More paris" We just have to let it wash over us and not stick..

Offer no opinion on her...

"What do u think of Paris Hilton?"
"I don't"

neo said...

In today's news: Paris Hilton breaks her cuticle!

Seriously though...I can't understand the fascination..maybe it's cos like you most ppl don't like her for the fact that she does absolutely little to absolutely nothing and has money to spend and throw away.

Of course it annoys us to our very core..