Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How screwed are we?

Each Candidate wants to spend their way out of this .. this fiasco we call an economy. the Government is bailing out private orgs. People call it unprecedented but is it really? When private companies can get in soo close with Government to the point of drafting bills that the senator just rubber stamps. We past unprecedented a long time ago. It was Congress that deregulated the markets that allowed for such a FUBAR situation. Maybe it is justified that tax payer money is used to bail these companies out. It was tax payers that elected these ass holes to office and it was lazy tax payers that allowed incumbents have an almost unprecedented reign in congress and the senate. 

Obama is a breath of fresh air but can he really fix this mess?  Maybe we need to let McCain field this situation. Let the Republicans have the next 4 yrs cuz it will be rough. I don;t know how I will feel in 4 yrs when I hear some short sighted republican bleating on how the Democrats didn't fix anything the last 4 yrs, let the Repubs come in and do a better job.

I wonder how I can convert my assets to currency that will withstand this crash..  

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