Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Just curious

 Why are video girls degrading to women yet porn stars are empowered sexually?

Why is it so easy to be a stupid person?

Why do we keep repeating the same relationship mistake over and over again?

Why do we spend so much time lusting after something and soon forget it after u have gotten it?

Why do men  sleep around and then expect to find an unspoiled virgin to marry?

Why do young women keep going for that bad boy train wreck waiting to happen?

Why do couples let themselves get so fat and lazy that the love atrophies so fast?

Why are waify, starved white women used as a fashion ultimate and big bootied, breasty brown ladies as rap/hiphop video/magazines e.t.c.

Why are minivans so emasculating to me?

Why do people demonize folks for spanking their kids?

Why do we buy a house, new cars, new stuff and total almost $400 000 in debt and call it the American Dream?

Why do we NOT have any  significant liquid savings?

Why do foreign Parents neglect to teach their kids their native language and expect them to marry from their people?

Why do arranged marriages seem to  work better than love marriages?

Why do we work so hard to earn more only to increase spending to return to the status quo?


Funmilayo said...

lol...women don't see porn stars as sexually empowered

neo said...

Hmm are you sure @ Funmi, I see ugo's point...video vixens get ZERO love. But no one harps on the porn stars...but wait, some of these rap videos are soft porn...or porn diluted..

Funmilayo said...

@ neo..go up and ask a woman you know if she thinks porn stars are empowered.

Jaja said...

We are simply human.
At the risk of sounding harsh and high handed.

Most humans arnt logical. infact a large percentage are stupid.

There are loads of stuff to be curious about. Loads of Why s.