Wednesday, April 11, 2007

$400 my ass!!

Man, I was pissed. That dumbass accountant had some nerve to lecture me then try to charge me $400 to do my taxes. In retrospect, I wish I could summon the power of the fireball and toast that accountant where he stood. Alas, my attempts to generate Streetfighter 2 powers have been almost all for naught. Except for a severe rash I can produce almost in cue, I am powerless.

Or am I?

I had downloaded a tax prep program a while ago on a whim. It was free so I figured, why not? I started doing research on filing online or using a computer and i found out that my program was a pretty good program. Granted, folks rated turbo tax better than taxcut, it was not by much.

So I sat down last night and start going thru our stuff. I put all the information in and 1.5 hrs later.. I was done. I had a nice lil refund coming to me and I was being charged $16 to file for both my wife and I. $16??!!!!!

Dumbass acct wanted $400, the other guy my wife scheduled was asking for $200 and I did it for $16?? Man, that is incredible!!!

My refund has a big screen TV written all over it!!!! Or additional saving for my house. Damn, my savings ways..


Don said...

LmAO @ summonning the power of the fireball...u on that SONIC BOOM tip lmao

Yeh well done about the taxes...shit...that was wut computers were made make ass-holes like that "explore their options".

neo said...

I've always been using turbo tax. I just don't believe in going to someone except a person I'm familiar with or whatever and paying such a ridic price for something I can sit in front of my pc and do my self..good job man..